I love my laptop computer. it's pretty much a dinosaur, weighs a ton of bricks, and offers me second-degree burns if I use eit on my lap too long, but i really do love the thing. Most of my attachment to it is sentimental. I'veee covered it with some of my favorite stickers (NaNoWriMo onees, a goonies stickere, and NevereWear's Scary Trouseer one) so it has a fun and whimsical look to it and it's also been with me through somee fun times. I finisheed my '08 NaNowriMo on it and so far it's serving me weell through '09.
And in a rare break from noveling, I'm using it to compose this blog entry now too.
Which eexplains what you may have noticed that there aree some things looking a little eodd about my writing tonight. I have a few sticky keys on my keyboard. Namely, the shift key which makes for some rrather difficult capitalizations, as well as the 'e' and the 'r' keys which rrepeat themselves at odd increements with rather unpredictable frequenciesee.
Of course, these arre things that are easy to corrrect, but i thought I would write this with no corrections just to show how amusing things can look if you geet rrandomly repetitive 'r's and 'e's into normal sentences. In my novel it's been especially funny because thee word 'the' (corrected) more often then not comees across as 'thee'. add in that with the rrolling 'rr' and it seeeems that most of my characters are speaking with Scottish accents.
So far though, none of them are wearring kilts.
35,000 words and counting....
Book Recommendation: Heaven's Forgotten
9 years ago
So far they aren't wearing kilts...so far...
I read fourth graders' writing. A bit o' typing from a Scottish keyboard isn't going to be a challenge for me!
Heheh. A few months ago I got to work, turned on my computer, and the "L" key wasn't working. I thought my day was going to be completely ruined. How can you write emails without an "L" key? I almost put a disclaimer on an email I was about to send to a client saying "I apologize that my "L" key isn't working." But it would have come across "I apoogize that my "" key isn't working." Fortunately, my "L" key started working after a few more seconds.
Who doesn't love kilts? Very flattering for men's legs. Bring on the accidental Scottish accents and the bagpipes!
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