Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Twelve Blogs of Christmas (4): Prancer's in a Mini-Mall Near My House!

I can't tell you how many years it's been since I've seen the Christmas movie Prancer about a young girl who finds one of Santa's errant reindeer and hides him in a barn to nurse him back to health, but in every preview for the movie (on TV or back in the day when it first hit theaters) there was one line that was always played and it's when the girl cries out, "Prancer's in a shed near my house!"  If you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about.  There is no shed by my house so it turns out this year Prancer decided to hang out at the mini-mall near Costco.

I think he recognized my hat....


Ellen aka Ellie said...

Such a sweet little movie. I own it if you want to borrow it!

Greg McConnell said...

Heheh. You know, Lisa, in your first blog of Christmas this year you mentioned you last did this series in 2005. I couldn't believe it, but yes, it really had been four years since you've done this. Wow, time flies. Glad to see the 12 Blogs of Christmas have been revived!